Anyone who hasn’t tried First batch, cheer up. want you to try The mechanism is tight and smooth, very inviting to the touch. I probably don’t have to explain much. How much is the subject of filming and the sound of pressing the shutter having a psychological effect on all red dot film shooters? Therefore, most of the red dot fans around the world who have tried the first batch fell in love. cause when possessing keep it for a long time Therefore, there are not many good condition items in the market to see each other. Due to the high demand and the small number of items, the price of the 1st batch only goes up and up. In recent years, it’s even more intense. Keep it before you miss the car, everyone. All functions work 100%. If interested, talk to us. 😎
📝 Warranty: 15 Days
⭐️ Condition : Mint 97% top plate has a thin dent as shown in the photo, but there is no trace of wearing a light meter. Because most 98-99% of the first batch will have a mark of inserting a light meter on the top plate. This one is mint condition because of this one. Due to the age of the First Batch that is quite old, produced in 1954 (69 years), it is very difficult to find a very good condition. If the price is very high because most of them will be used aggressively in that era From passing through hands, this one is still considered to be in excellent condition and can be collected.
( Used!! ) Leica M3 First Batch
149,990.00 ฿
Tags: #leicanaitounoi_film, #leicanaitounoi_m3
🔖Description :
– First Batch 708 XXX
– No frame Selection
– Film Rewind Knob is a scratch type, very rare in the market like this.
📦 Accessories : Camera / Third Party Front Cap
📮 Free Delivery Charge In Thailand
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